Green River Game Land

Home to Special Species and Habitats

Green River cuts a rugged chasm as it descends the Blue Ridge escarpment. Portions of the gorges along the Green River and its tributaries, notably including Hungry River and Cove Creek, are narrow where the river is squeezed between steep cliffs. Scenic waterfalls dot the landscape, including Cove Creek and Bradley Creek.

The Green River Game Land features Rich Coves and Acidic Coves, Montane Cliffs and Low Elevation Basic Glades, interspersed within a matrix of Chestnut Oak Forests and Montane-Oak-Hickory Forests. Home to 29 species of rare plants and animals, many of which are found only in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, the preserve also supports abundant neotropical migrant birds.

The Work of Many Partners

Numerous organizations and individuals contribute to the preservation of this valuable natural area.

  • The NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Conserving Carolina lead fundraising and acquisition, with funding applications submitted to the NC Land and Water Fund in 2019 and 2020.
  • Individual landowners sold parcels at bargain prices and donated land, while private individuals and foundations contributed funds.
  • Key funding was provided by the NC Land and Water Fund (formerly Clean Water Management Trust Fund), Natural Heritage Trust Fund, and Parks and Recreation Trust Fund.
  • NC Natural Heritage Program conducted biological inventories and worked with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission to permanently set aside a portion of the land as the Green River Game Land Dedicated Nature Preserve.

How the Area Will Be Used

  • The Green River and its tributaries are popular for paddling and fishing in wild trout waters. 
  • More than 14 miles of hiking trails feature scenic beauty and provide a wilderness experience.
  • The Game Land is home to numerous species of rare plants and animals as well as many common species.
  • White-tailed deer and wild turkey are the two primary game species. Gray squirrel, cottontail rabbit, bobwhite quail, ruffed grouse, mourning dove, woodcock, red and gray fox, bobcat, raccoon, and opossum are the small game actively hunted.